

Argentine grandis
E grandis éclaircie
Cyprès tortulosa
Futaie mélangée
Hugo inventaire TJM



 Sustainable forests management

by reactive and proactive approach, based on diversity,  health and permanent natural regeneration

Above all, we appreciate creating diversity, mixing and multiplying species, which are the only guarantors of the health of the future forest and its ability to cope with the natural events that may occur.
Its permanent regeneration is a necessity to create life and guarantee the sustainability of the species present.

Forest management is not an exact science, but a profession that had always been the fact of simple people attached to the land and who knew it by experience.


Forecasts, and long-term development plans provide an overall vision of the manager’s plan and allow the non-initiated people to understand what technicians want to implement.


But people often forget that ecosystems are constantly adapting and that the Nature yearly cycles are never identical from year to year

It is therefore necessary to be able to adapt permanently to the conditions dictated by this Nature that we imagine to be able to dominate at will.

All assets need to be managed in order to promote their growth ; these transactions representing costs require a financial return to ensure their amortization through the sale of woody, non-woody or recreational products : this is the basis of management. Thus, saying that human intervention within the forest is unavoidable, takes on its full meaning.

From plantations to forest

Forest and wood are passions, and the individual commitment to respect forests for the wood quality requires a sharpened knowledge of the whole context and its complexity.


Foresters’ job requires to manage forests to get them grow. Implementing upstream operations requires a perfect control of the downstream operations without forgetting a propensity to self-project to the future : without a long-term vision, the forest profitability is strongly compromised.


At all times, in all places, the forests have been abused to the benefit of agriculture and urbanization.

But the forest is necessary for life, preventing erosion, runoff, floods or desertification. The disappearance of such an ecosystem, as complex as rich and diversified, housing very numerous species of animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, insects), plants, fungal and microbial populations, most of which have inter-dependant relationships, would have catastrophic consequences not only for the local populations, but for the entire planet.


Would they be forest plantations, agroforest plantations, urban or peri-urban plantations, they all represent jobs creation, limit migration, participate in local development and income diversification, and provided that they are correctly thought out, in a general interest and not only for an economic purpose, their positive impact on the populations and their resulting approach to the forests are evident.


Above all, we value creating diversity, mix and multiplicity of species, which are the only guarantors of the health of the future forest and its ability to cope with natural freaks that may occur.



Wheter logs or sawn lumber, we ensure impartial products control, respecting the interests of all involved parties 

Okoume Gabon
Okan Owendo
Sciages CIB
Sciages avivés 3
SCO strips 1b

Final inspection after which the parties prohibit any subsequent claim concerning the subject-matter of the approval, its interest is to be carried out by a third party, according to a contract signed by both parties, in their presence or not.


The neutrality of the third party is the major asset of this approval, which allows to inspect wood parcels according to three essential criteria :


  • Contractual specie(s)
  • Measurement
  • Product(s) quality


Experience in this field shows that timber parcels, inspected and approved before loading and shipment, are the only ones allowing both parties to wait serenely for the outcome of the transaction, for one the receipt of goods compliant with the contract terms, and for the other, the receipt of the invoice amount.  


Approval operations have obviously a cost, but beyond this fact, it allows the company’s managers and employees to focus on their priorities within the company.


We manage approval operation all around the world for any kind of timber.


In addition to those operations, we also offer assist during the boarding of goods with the aim to :

  • Certifying that the entirety of the approved good has been properly loaded
  • Certifying that no goods substitution takes place
  • Issuing tally sheet for the whole cargo or for each loaded container
  • Identifying each container with container number and seal number
  • Identifying the vessel and shipping company


    RCA inventaires
    Route RCA

    Neutrality - Ethics - Rigour

    ‘Expertise’ often leads to an incorrect interpretation of what it represents, and an expert is not by definition a person who knows everything from memory. Nevertheless, the expert is able to provide the expected answers through his knowledge in various fields (technical aspects, laws, rules and trade practice, international trade,…) but also through his contacts and numerous documentations.

    An expert does not just assert, he proves.

    In the case of project management, products inspection, forest inventory or estimation, training, audits, dispute solution or any other form of assistance, those interventions require various knowledge, great availability, time and patience, as well as hindsight to judge the situations.

    Neutrality and impartiality are the unavoidable bases for trust building, the latter being itself generated by the rigour and ethics that guarantee to each concerned party the respect of its particular interests.

    Experience allows comparison, and therefore the definition of the best possible choices, while an outside eye sees things differently : with hindsight.

    Based on a long and varied experience and an analysis from upstream to downstream, we provide you with these guarantees.

    • Hints, assistance, audits and accompaniment in plantations
    • Creation, maintenance of forest infrastructures (roads, bridges,….)
    • Consulting for timber legality, traceability and certification
    • Restructuration, reorganizing, optimizing storage yards and industrial sites
    • Diagnosis of failures causes and origins, proposition of solutions, implementation of procedures, monitoring of progress on sites or industrial production lines, quality monitoring
    • Respect for the environment, health and safety in industrial environment
    • Organization et optimization of international transports


      Le savoir est la base de tout progrès

      Formation Douala

      Programmed « à la carte » in consultation with the applicant and based on his needs, his budget, the number of participants or devoted

      time , training sessions are generally promulgated :

      • In the concerned country
      • On site (forest yard, port of import or export, industrial or private site)
      • In training or teaching institutions
      • Through E-learning
      • Training follow-up via internet

        Themes are varied and non-exhaustive ; contact us to share your needs.


        • Tropical and temperate logs and sawn timber grading
        • Wood knowledge
        • Identification et recognition of timber species
        • Forest harvesting, logs processing and timber treatment
        • Sustainable forest and plantations management  
        • Legality, traceability
        • Transportation, international trade procedures and claims resolve
        • Structural organisation in enterprises
        • Linking respect of environment and companies results
        • Raising local populations awareness to rural development through environmental respect

          By E-learning, more than 50 training modules are offered to anyone wishing to improve or deepen his knowledge in the field through personalized and follow-up courses.

          Croisettes, Suxy
          Sapelli forêt
          080308 065
          Bilinga 1 2023-11-06 à 12.51.17
          Gr 1 20230810_120602
          Hêtre sciages


          Our role consists to connecting producers and buyers while conducting negotiations that are able to satisfy both parties.
          Our services can also be applied to products inspection to ensure their quantity and their quality, as well as the proper execution of the loading and/or boarding contract and to reassure each party that the operations are complete.

          We are particularly interested in :

          • African sawn timber
          • European hard- and soft wood, in logs and sawn timber 
          • North American hardwood, sawn
          • Tropical American sawn timber